Meet-Dalton The Cigar Bank

Meet Dalton

Dalton Pouliot

Our Certified Cigar Sommelier Tobacconist


Professional Bio

 I am a Sales Associate and sommelier at The Cigar Bank. I have many passions in life, but the one I'm most proud of is becoming a meteorologist. I’ve always loved watching the weather and I've been very fortunate to pursue this career as a student at Georgia Tech. I also have many other skills such as professional automotive detailing, and communication especially with clients at the cigar bank. While working at The Cigar Bank, I have specialized in proper setup procedures as well as maintenance for all lighters/torches that we offer in our shop.


Fun Facts or Hobbies:

  • I love to detail and work on cars in my free time.
  • When I have the time to do so I love playing golf
  • Riding dirt bikes. 


Education Background & Achievements

Certified Cigar Sommelier Tobacconist - CCST - Tobacconist University


"I am a sales associate and sommelier at The Cigar Bank, and I specialize in torches/lighters. Showcase which aspects of your company culture that you represent, such as teamwork, innovation, or a commitment to customer service. I represent teamwork /customer service.I feel that im very easy to talk to in case anyone needs to converse about anything either in their personal or work life.

Education and Certifications:
● Mention relevant educational background and any certifications or qualifications that contribute to their role. I have received my sommelier certificate.

Achievements/Awards and Events:
● Highlight any notable achievements, awards, events hosted or recognitions received by individual staff members. I have received my sommelier certificate and hosted a golf event for the store.

Testimonials or Quotes:
● Include quotes or testimonials from staff members about their experience working with the company. This can add a personal touch. The Cigar Bank takes pride in
investing within their staff and pushing them to constantly strive for
greatness. I can say that I have learned alot about what my capabilities
are within the business and I thoroughly enjoy working for them.

Social Media Links:
● If your staff members are comfortable with it, provide links to their professional social
media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter). @_THE_ACE_OF_SMOKES Instagram

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