Montecristo Upright Cigars Assortment Sampler

Montecristo Upright Cigars Assortment Sampler

Exploring the Upright Cigars Assortment Sampler: A Journey Through Flavor

For cigar enthusiasts, few things are more exciting than discovering a variety of cigars in one package, each offering its own unique experience. The Upright Cigars Assortment Sampler is a treasure trove for those who enjoy exploring different flavor profiles, strengths, and styles. This carefully curated selection provides a well-rounded journey through some of the best that Upright Cigars has to offer, making it perfect for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers eager to expand their palate.

First Impressions

The Upright Cigars Assortment Sampler comes beautifully packaged, with each cigar prominently displayed, inviting you to embark on a sensory adventure. The selection typically includes a variety of sizes and blends, showcasing the versatility and craftsmanship of the brand. From rich maduros to smooth connecticuts, the sampler offers something for every taste preference.

The Lineup

Let’s delve into a few of the standout cigars in this sampler, each bringing its own set of flavors and characteristics to the table.

1. Upright Churchill (Connecticut Wrapper)

First Third: The Upright Churchill greets you with a mild yet flavorful introduction. The Connecticut wrapper imparts a creamy texture, with subtle notes of toasted almonds and a hint of vanilla. The draw is easy, producing a steady stream of aromatic smoke.

Second Third: As you move into the second third, the cigar develops a light peppery spice that adds depth without overpowering the initial creaminess. There’s also a touch of cedar that enhances the overall profile, making each puff more intriguing than the last.

Final Third: The final third brings a slight increase in strength, with the almond and vanilla notes becoming more pronounced. The spice lingers just enough to keep things interesting, leading to a smooth and satisfying finish.

2. Upright Toro (Maduro Wrapper)

First Third: This medium to full-bodied cigar starts off with a rich, earthy flavor. The maduro wrapper delivers a robust sweetness, reminiscent of dark chocolate and molasses, balanced by a hint of black pepper.

Second Third: The complexity of the Upright Toro becomes more evident in the second third. The chocolate and molasses notes evolve into a deeper cocoa flavor, accompanied by a roasted coffee bean undertone. A slight nuttiness also emerges, adding another layer to the experience.

Final Third: In the final third, the flavors intensify, with the coffee and cocoa taking center stage. The pepper becomes more subdued, allowing the sweetness of the maduro wrapper to shine through. The finish is long and luxurious, leaving a lingering taste of dark chocolate on the palate.

3. Upright Robusto (Habano Wrapper)

First Third: The Upright Robusto with its Habano wrapper kicks off with a bold and spicy start. The initial peppery burst quickly mellows into a blend of leather, oak, and a touch of red pepper. The draw is effortless, producing thick clouds of smoke.

Second Third: As the cigar progresses, the spice takes a back seat, making way for a more balanced profile. The leather and oak remain, but they are now complemented by notes of dried fruit and a subtle sweetness that rounds out the flavors beautifully.

Final Third: In the final third, the Upright Robusto reaches its peak in flavor complexity. The dried fruit becomes more pronounced, and the oak transitions to a more pronounced woodiness, with the leather adding a rich, earthy base. The red pepper makes a comeback in the final moments, ensuring a memorable finish.

Pairing Suggestions

To fully appreciate the diversity in the Upright Cigars Assortment Sampler, consider pairing each cigar with a beverage that complements its unique flavors. For the Upright Churchill, a creamy cappuccino or a light Chardonnay would enhance its smooth, nutty profile. The Upright Toro pairs wonderfully with a dark rum or a bold espresso, highlighting its rich chocolate and coffee notes. Finally, the Upright Robusto would be well-matched with a smoky Scotch or a glass of Malbec, bringing out the cigar’s spice and earthy undertones.


The Upright Cigars Assortment Sampler is a delightful collection that offers a well-rounded exploration of different flavors, strengths, and experiences. Whether you're in the mood for something mild and creamy or bold and complex, this sampler has something to satisfy every palate. It’s the perfect choice for anyone looking to discover new favorites or simply enjoy a diverse smoking experience. So, grab your favorite cutter and lighter, sit back, and let the Upright Cigars Assortment Sampler take you on a flavorful journey.

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