Oasis Ultra 3.0
Cigar Oasis Ultra 3.0: Simplifying Humidor Care with Style
The Cigar Oasis Ultra 3.0 is your answer to effortless, worry-free cigar storage. Say goodbye to concerns about maintaining your prized cigars. Its sleek design and lid-mounted placement make it the ultimate choice for maintaining the ideal environment within your desktop humidor.
Key Features:
Streamlined Maintenance: The pre-treated water cartridge requires only distilled water, needing refilling approximately every 2-6 weeks. Say farewell to constant fuss and welcome consistent performance.
Smart Technology: Powered by a durable electronic ribbon cable, this innovation discreetly fits through your humidor seal. Experience a seamless and efficient solution for maintaining your cigars' conditions.
Live Readings: A generously sized backlit display provides live humidity and temperature readings, ensuring you're always informed about your humidor's environment.
User-Friendly Control: Soft sensor buttons, responsive to the touch, allow you to easily adjust your desired humidity setpoint, ensuring your cigars are in the optimal conditions.
Advanced Connectivity: Built-in Wi-Fi capability offers the option to sync with the Cigar Oasis SmartHumidor™ IOS & Android app, further enhancing your control and monitoring capabilities.
Note: Not recommended for use in climate-controlled or wineador humidors.
- Length: 7”
- Width: 2.5”
- Height: 1”
Elevate your humidor experience with the Cigar Oasis Ultra 3.0, where simplicity meets style and technology ensures your cigars are always in the perfect environment.